Tuesday, February 16, 2016

An Enticement of French Village in Malaysia.

Colmar Tropicale.

Located about 120 km from Kuala Lumpur  International Airport.  It is about 20 minute drive from Bentong,Pahang.  Surrounded by the Rainforest and at about 700m above sea level there is a replica of a French village in around 16th century.

Ample parking space under the medieval French building.

The lull cool temperature is so enchanting with the collection of French buildings.

Mesmerizing the scenery with my grandson.

The buildings are colorful and the ground is cobblestone.

A family photo  in front of the stage where live bands and live performances entertain the visitors in the  night.

Colmar Tropicale at Bukit Tinggi, Pahang is a worthwhile family vacation where you can have French food or Italian Menu or Japanese cuisine.  There are 17 theme shops offering souvenirs.  Tantalized yourself with the drawbridge,, ancient castles and  lakes,  Do not missed the viewing tower. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Oldest Mosque in China

My Visit to Huaisheng Mosque in Guangzhou, China.

Last year in November 2015 I visited the the oldest mosque in China.  The famous Huaisheng Mosque in Guangzhou Southern province of China.  There are about 39,000 mosque all over China. According to Chinese Muslim Manuscript this mosque was built in 627 which is about 1300 years ago by the companion Prophet Muhammad  s.a.w Sa'd Ibn Waqass.

The entrance to Huaisheng Mosque which near to theXimenkou Station of Guangzhou Metro. It looks like a Chinese Temple.  Many mosque in China have a local architecture vis-a-vis Pagoda.

There are three walled courtyard before reaching the mosque main building.

The first archways.  It all written in Chines characters.

The Chinese Muslim or Hui Hui Chinese were the close ally to the Ming Dynasty during rebellion against the Manchus aggression.

The Huaisheng Mosque means The lighthouse Mosque.  This was by the virtue of the mosque minaret which is about 36 meter tall.  In the old days the minaret served as a beacon for ships and boats.

This is the main entrance to the mosque.

This is the inside view of the oldest mosque in China.  However the present day mosque is rebuilt many times because of destruction due to fire.

Common features of mosque but in Chinese characters.

However for the benefits non Chinese or foreigners the praying time table is written in Arabic and Romanized Arabic.